Thursday, January 3, 2008

Back to the routine

Well, we have returned from a great holiday visit to the mountains of North Carolina. We enjoyed Christmas with family, and New Years' with friends. I, naturally, took few pictures, so I will have to beg pictures from others before I can blog about our holidays.

This morning, we were back to our routine, and boy, are we out of practice! Yikes! We were almost 25 minutes behind schedule! So, I decided to create a morning routine chart for Georgia. It turned out way cute, so I thought I would post it here. The idea is that you use a clothespin, and clip it on the spot that corresponds to the task she is currently doing. Her morning tasks are: wake up and make bed, eat breakfast, take dishes to sink, use the potty, wash hands and face, brush teeth, get dressed, brush hair, get backpack, go to car. So, hopefully, using this chart, she will stay on task, and that will free me up to work with the babies. Olivia is currently potty training, so it is quite a job to get everyone fed, dressed, and out to the car in time to get Georgia to preschool.


Unknown said...

very cute! visuals like that work so well for young children (what the heck - they work well for ME, too!)

sounds like your holidays were fun-filled. happy new year!

Mama said...

We have a similar system we are starting this year, with chore packs. I am planning about blogging about it soon. We are so close to the North Carolina mountains, about 45miles from Boone, it's GORGEOUS!
Happy New Year!